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"Advocates for Physical Educators"
Connecting with physical educators by sharing ideas, experiences, and special education strategies to support teaching students with varying abilities and to foster positive behavior in the physical education classroom.
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The Summer Virtual Conference is just around the corner, happening on July 11-12. Don't forget to register to secure your spot. Log in to the NCPEID website where you can renew your membership and sign up for the conference. We're looking forward to seeing you there!
Contact Info:
Deborah Shapiro, PhD
NCPEID President
Reminder for May APE Collaborative TODAY!
The NCPEID APE Collaborative will be Today, May 28th @ 4:00 pm PST (6:00pm CST, 7:00pm EST)
Topic: APE District Teachers of the Year!
Speakers: Sammi Stewart, Emma Degen, Jessica Wilson, and Sarah Brockberg
Zoom link:
Deborah Shapiro
NCPEID President
NCPEID APE Collaborative AY 2023-24
Click here for a detailed list of speakers and YouTube links for each topic.
Click image above for a detailed list of speakers and YouTube links for each topic.
The membership committee, made up of Melissa Bittner, Laynie Case, Jae Jung, Heidi Ambrosius, Danielle Musser, Scott McNamara, and Israel Bernal Hernandez, are thanked for their work in coordinating the APE Collaboratives for the 2023-24 academic year. Topics discussed each month included 'Summer Camps for Youth with Disabilities', 'Parenting and Professionalism and Hot Topics in APE', 'What I Learned in My First Year Teaching', 'Assistive Technology', 'Paraprofessionals in APE', 'Exemplary Master's Programs in APE', 'APE Doctoral Programs', 'Preschool Motor Team and Hot Topics in APE', and 'Concerns and Considerations for the Field'. Click here for a detailed list of speakers and YouTube links for each topic.
May APENS Study Group
When: May 20th @ 5:30pm PST; 7:30pm CT; 8:30pm EST
Zoom link:
Meeting Code: 859 2811 5306
Deborah Shapiro, PhD
NCPEID President
Next Collaborative April 16, 2024
The NCPEID APE Collaborative will be Tuesday, April 16 @ 11am PST; 1pm CT; 2pm EST.
Topic: Concerns & Considerations for the Field of Adapted Physical Activity/Education
Speakers: Dale Ulrich, Barry Lavay, & Garth Tymeson
Zoom link:
If you missed the March APE collaborative please check out the youtube link here:
Let's Collaborate to Educate the US Department of Labor about Adapted Physical Education
Dear NCPEID members
The Occupational Network Database Program (O*NET) sponsored by the U.S. Department of Labor (USDOL) is the primary source of occupational information used by job seekers, employers, workforce agencies and others who use such information in their daily activities.
O*NET is assisting the USDOL in gathering occupational information on Adapted Physical Education Specialists.
Members of NCPEID are invited to participate in this information gathering process on Adapted Physical Education if they meet the following criteria:
Have at least one year of professional experience working in the occupation.
Have a minimum of five years combined professional experience practicing, training, teaching, and/or supervising others who perform in the occupation.
Are currently actively involved in the field and based in the United States.
If you are interested and meet the above criteria, please contact Jessica Fairley using her contact information below. Participants will be selected at random and will receive a $40 gift card and a framed certificate of appreciation from the USDOL.
Feel free to share this information with colleagues who may be interested in participating.
Jessica Fairley
O*NET Business Liaison
RTI International/O*NET Operations Center
Direct Phone number:
877-233-7348 ext. 172
O*NET Program Overview
Opportunity Extended Until April 15: More Time to Submit Your Conference Proposal
The deadline to submit an abstract for the NCPEID virtual summer conference has been extended to April 15, 2024.
For questions contact Pam Beach
2024 NCPEID Conference will be held virtually July 11-12 via Whova. Click image for details.
Please mark your calendars to join us. Attendees must be current members of NCPEID. Conference registration is forthcoming. Renew or join NCPEID using the following link ...
Spring 2024 APENS Study Group
Consider joining us at the APENS Study Group for Spring 2024. We hope to see you there!
5:30pm PST/7:30pm CT/8:30pm EST
February 19 APENS Standard 8
March 18 APENS Standard 9
April 15 APENS Standard 10
May 20 APENS Standard 11
Thank you,
Deborah Shapiro
NCPEID President
NCPEID APE Collaborative
Tuesday, February 20th @ 9am PST; 11am CT; 12pm EST
Please join us for NCPEIDs February APE Collaborative on Tuesday February 20th! Please see specific information below with an infographic attached. Hope to see you there.
Topic: Exemplary APE PhD Programs
Speakers: Drs. Andy Pitchford, Sam Logan, Andrea Taliaferro, Nicole Kirk, and Wes Wilson
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 854 1973 0963
Deborah Shapiro
NCPEID President 2022-2024
Please consider nominating a fellow colleague. Details regarding the awards process can be found here:
Call for NCPEID Board Nominations
Click image for further details.