"Advocates for Physical Educators"
Connecting with physical educators by sharing ideas, experiences, and special education strategies to support teaching students with varying abilities and to foster positive behavior in the physical education classroom.
We hope you are able to use the resources we have collected and created to better plan, instruct, assess, and reflect for all your students. What's ours is yours, and the goal is to plan for
success, foster deeper learning, and to have more fun!
Click me at any time to head directly to my page
Here you will find everything from student information sheets to track important IEP information, to behavioral supports, and resources to guide you in implementing a peer buddy program to enhance your small group class. Planning may be the most important and lengthy stage of teaching, hopefully these resources can help make yours more productive!
You've planned for hours, set up the equipment, and finally the students are here, ready to learn! In this section you will find ways to transition through various components of class (beginning, instruction, end), fun greetings, cardio ideas and visuals, visual schedules, and so much more! What content exactly do you want your students to learn each class?
Positive Behavior
All behavior is a form of communication.These resources were designed to help understand what your students are trying to tell you when their behavior is... less than desirable. Using proactive strategies to help predict when and why behaviors occur, considering them during planning, and reacting appropriately can help limit time stuck managing behaviors.
Utilizing Support Staff
Instructional assistants, para educators, teacher assistants, instructional aids... whichever name they go by at your school, they can be such an invaluable resource in the physical education setting with our friends with unique needs. Use these resources to help guide you in best training, utilizing, and supporting these individuals in PE.
Unit Skill Themes
Archery, badminton, basketball, juggling, jump rope, soccer, yoga, we've got it all! Here you will find modifications, equipment, skill progressions, visuals, and so much more to assist you with planning and instructing skill specific activities. You may even be inspired to spice up your class with a new and unique activity!
Assessment and IEPs
We hope our assessment resources help your students show what they know in regards to health, nutrition, physical activity and more! Most of our assessment resources were created based around the Virginia Standards of Learning, however their content aligns with very similar standards across the nation.
Each student's IEP is comprised of specific, measurable, and appropriate goals in the areas of the their unique needs. Students who receives APE services must also have a goal within that area of need. Let this section be a guide for assisting, creating, measuring, implementing, and collecting student goal data.